Capacity 6Tonshr
DischargeHt aspersite
DUMPHOPPER Itis madeupof2mmthickmildsteelMSSheet
VBOTTOM BOOT ASSEMBLY It isselfcleaning type Thethickness ofthe boot is not less than 3 mm MS Sheet ThepulleyismountedonaheavydutyshaftonselfalignedballbearingsBelttightenedisprovidedwiththehelpofsquare
MSbarforeasyslidingof takeupunit
TworemovableslidegatesareprovidedforeasyandfastcleaningandrenderingservicetothebottompulleyBootpulleyis of wingscrew type to prevent damage to theseedinbetweenbeltandpulley
MIDDLESECTIONLEGSEachsectionoflegismadeupofnot less than 16 mm thick MS Sheet Itis provided withflanges at bothends Belt inspection door is provided atsuitableheight the first section of the leg will be 25mtrhigh
HEADCASINGItis madeupof notlessthan20mmthick
MS sheet Detachable split cover with rubberfoaminsideis provided for accessibilityto head pulley Head pulley iscrownedfor improved traction and is mounted on a heavyduty shaft and self aligned ball bearings Geared motor isdirectly mounted on shaft for easy andquick fitting with100outputandmaintenancefreeoperation100powertransmit ion and maintenance freeoperation to reducepowerconsumption toachievehigherefficiency
BELT AND BELT SPEED 6width NylontoNylon belt areusedfor fastening of buckets cups The belt speed is lessthan1msec
BUCKETS6BucketsareofselfcleaningtypeeitherHDPEor die pressed from MS Sheetnot less than 16 mm thickare usedThese buckets are fastened with cupbolt andwasherswithbeltSpacersareprovidedbetweenbuck